
PCI DSS 4.0 Compliance Myths (2024)

Written by Richard Haag | Jul 15, 2024 11:58:03 AM

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (or PCI DSS) ensures that all companies that process, store, or transmit credit card data maintain proper account security throughout the transaction.

As enterprises transition to PCI DSS 4.0, many are left wondering what will need to change with their current policies and practices.

In this blog, we discuss the information your organization needs to know concerning the PCI DSS 4.0 standard, as well as some of the most common myths surrounding it. 

1. PCI DSS 4.0 Compliance is More Complex 

PCI DSS 4.0 updates several key areas of compliance, but the overall complexity remains consistent with past versions of the standard and seeks to address changes in the overall threat landscape. In fact, reaching compliance follows similar process steps and simply builds upon existing compliance standards.

The three main types of changes to the PCI standard are evolving requirements, clarification or guidance, and structure or format.

  • Evolving requirements will maintain that the standard is up to date with new threats and technologies emerging in the payment industry.
  • Clarification or guidance updates wording, definitions, guidance, and instructions to increase understanding of a specific topic.
  • Structure or format changes involve the reorganization of content.

While some of the requirements may seem “over the top,” it should be noted that the updated controls are specifically designed to combat weaknesses found in the previous standard, and address knowledge gained from breaches over the last 6 years.

Ensure your QSA understands the new changes and can execute required updates to your compliance program with confidence.

Learn more now about the new PCI DSS 4.0 requirements that may affect your organization.

2. Increased Time Commitment 

The journey to PCI compliance takes time, but the latest version does not present a significant increase in your organization's time commitment. 

Much like the previous standard version, to achieve and maintain PCI DSS compliance, your organization must follow these steps: 

  • GAP analysis - Identify all needs and deficiencies
  • Remediation - Address the deficiencies
  • PCI assessment (audit) - Pass / fail audits are required annually
  • Compliance monitoring - The only way to remain secure over time

Intersec Worldwide has leveraged its forensic practice to ensure our QSAs fully understand proposed requirement changes and practical implementation of updated controls. Becoming PCI DSS-compliant is a complicated process, but experienced PCI QSAs understand how to apply PCI DSS 4.0 changes and know the best path to compliance while minimizing interruptions to normal business operations. 

3. Additional Strain on Resources

The changes associated with the new standard will not significantly strain your existing organizational resources. The changes take effect over time, and thus, your compliance updates can slowly evolve to meet the new standards.  While some of the new requirements may require initial investments in technology and labor resources (keyed hash, MFA for all, authenticated scanning); these changes, once implemented, should become business as usual for your organization, and will benefit your organization's overall security posture. 

When you work with a qualified QSA, they will outline a timeline to meet the new standard and include a practical approach to transition items according to the requirements—all with the goal of making the transition as smooth and seamless as possible. 

4. Unrealistic Requirement Deadlines

The PCI DSS Council updated the standard to meet the new challenges and threats in the marketplace. The new standard offers more comprehensive security measures to protect cardholder data and is designed to make transactions safer and more secure.

PCI DSS 3.2.1 was retired on March 31st, 2024. PCI DSS 4.0 is the new standard, which must be used during all PCI DSS assessments. 

While cybersecurity threats remain a real concern, the new requirements are not effective immediately. The timeline set by the PCI DSS Council gives organizations time to adapt and evolve their compliance programs. 

Intersec Worldwide Remediation Services

Intersec’s PCI remediation services are unique in the industry, and Intersec is one of just a few cybersecurity companies qualified to provide remediation services. Offering the highest level of expertise and experience, we have led countless clients successfully through the compliance process. Having dealt with a multitude of diverse and complex compliance situations, Intersec leverages our experience into a unique and streamlined process that ensures your compliance issues are remediated in record time with maximum simplicity.

With this level of expertise, you can be confident that we are the right choice for all of your PCI remediation needs.

Interested in learning more about Intersec’s PCI compliance services or compliance monitoring program? 

Contact our team or review our PCI DSS 4.0 Requirements page now.